; **** SUPERVISOR ****
boot	equ	0000h	; system reboot
bdos	equ	0005h	; bdos entry point
fcb	equ	005ch	; -> Primary File Control Block
ctl	equ	01d0h	; -> System Control Block
ps	equ	0c3fch	; SP save area & stack for printer interrupt
count	equ	0e7fch	; Seconds Counter
tick	equ	0e7ffh	; Slow Timer Status
kbsw	equ	0fe52h	; Keyboard switch status
attr	equ	0fe7ah	; VDU character attributes
; Z80 OP Codes--
ldir	equ	0b0edh
djnz	equ	00010h
;  Significant ASCII characters--
nul	equ	00h
etx	equ	03h
bel	equ	07h
bs	equ	08h
lf	equ	0ah
ff	equ	0ch
cr	equ	0dh
dc3	equ	13h	; [PAUSE] key
esc	equ	1bh
time	equ	7fh
s	equ	80h
; Define External Task locations--
tasku	equ	01000h	; System Utilities
tasko	equ	01C00h	; Options
taski	equ	02000h	; Initial Task
tasky	equ	05000h	; non-resident taskm overlay area
name	equ	07C00h	; Job Text area
taskx	equ	0E000h	; OS Utilities
ev0	equ	0E701h	; 1st Event Control Block
stack	equ	0E7C0h	; Scheduler Stack: Ready Count, ROC, -> Runner
rdy0	equ	stack+4 ; Ready Task Q
; Allocate Input Buffers--
bufe	equ	0d000h
buf0	equ	bufe-2048	; Com0 Input Buffer
buf3	equ	buf0-512	; Com3 Input Buffer
buf4	equ	buf3-512	; Com4 Input Buffer
	org	100h
	call	init !jmp go
; External entry points to Supervisor Services--
	jmp	stop	; Terminate Program
	jmp	suspend ; Block Task voluntarily
	jmp	char	; Keystroke -> A
vdu	jmp	rtn	; A -> Screen
	jmp	test0	; Z: Com0 -> A
	jmp	out0	; A -> Com0
	jmp	in3	; Com3 -> A
	jmp	out3	; A -> Com3
	jmp	in4	; Com4 -> A
	jmp	out4	; A -> Com4
	jmp	rtn	; MOUT Mainframe Output Driver (option)
testk	jmp	rtn	; Z: Keystroke -> A
	jmp	listen3 ; Z: Com3 -> A
	jmp	listen4 ; Z: Com4 -> A
io	jmp	rtn	; Screenhandler
clock	jmp	rtn	; Date & Time -> String @ DE
	jmp	rtn	; OUTPUT String (HL) -> Mainframe
pout	jmp	outl	; A -> Logging Printer
	jmp	fetch	; Overlay (HL) -> (DE)
stow	jmp	rtn	; STOW Write System Control Record
	jmp	rtn	; SPOOL (DE) -> Next Sector
	jmp	rtn	; UNSPOOL Oldest Sector -> (DE)
	jmp	spawn	; Initiate Task at (DE)
	jmp	timer	; Slow Timer Interrupt after DE units
	jmp	rtn	; SCREEN A -> Mainframe Terminal Screen
	jmp	rtn	; KYBD Translate A to M18 code
	jmp	rtn	; USER Keyboard Exit Routine
	jmp	open3	; Open Com3 Port
	jmp	close3	; Close Com3 Port
	jmp	open0	; Open Com0 Port
	jmp	open4	; Open Com4 Port
	jmp	sleep	; Suspend for DE seconds
	jmp	idler	; Suspend taskm with escape option
	jmp	taskm	; Mainframe Task
input	jmp	rtn	; Mainframe String -> (HL)
	jmp	spawni	; Initiate & count Task at (DE)
echo	jmp	rtn	; A -> Mainframe Electronic Mode
	jmp	openf	; Open fcb (DE) with name (HL)
	jmp	closef	; Close fcb (DE)
	jmp	rtn	; RESET Disc System
	jmp	trace	; A -> Screen if [SF1] lit
	jmp	rtn	; EXITM (Terminate Mainframe Job)
	jmp	bmap	; Map A buffers each of BC bytes at (HL)-2
	jmp	print	; Print Line
	jmp	cboot	; Cold Start
term	jmp	rtn	; Mainframe Terminal kybd task
	jmp	rtn	; MARK
	jmp	rtn	; ERROR
	jmp	rtn	; BYTE (Next IBMpc file byte -> A, or Z=EOF)
	jmp	wait	; Block Task until Event (DE)
ready	jmp	rtn	; Unblock Task awaiting Event (HL) (Int Off)
waitp	jmp	rtn	; Block Printer Channel Prog until interrupt
	jmp	rtn	; INJECT (HL) -> Mainframe (terminal)
	jmp	rtn	; NEXTDIR (HL)=Next IBM Directory entry, or Z=no match
	jmp	rtn	; Z=Password Correct
	jmp	rtn
	jmp	rtn
	org	1c0h
cword	db	0	; Pending Control Code
key	db	s	; current Keystroke
label	dw	0	; -> Spool Diskette Label
	dw	0	; (not used)
kew	dw	kev0+1	; -> current Keyboard Event Word
mname	dw	name	; -> taskm current Electronic pgm name
mask0	db	0	; Com0 Data Mask
mask3	db	0	; Com3 Data Mask
mask4	db	0	; Com4 Data Mask
	db	0	; (spare)
config	db	1	; B0: Parallel printer available
			; B1: Com3 & Com4 (Telecomms) available
			; B2: Mainframe Emulator running
			; B3: Mainframe Kybd Task running
			; B7: Autodial Modem
swreg	db	0	; initial Switch Register mask
; System Control Block--
	org	ctl
hstate	db	0	; hstate (HX20 task idle)
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	dw	08000h	; -> Record Area
	dw	64	; = Record Length (bytes)
mstate	db	0,0	; mstate, mlines
	dw	0,0	; mtimer,
tstate	db	0	; B7: [BREAK] pressed
	dw	name+40h; -> A/C name & address
msub	db	0	; Mainframe subtask count
	db	0	; Telecomms subtask count
	db	0,0	; xstate
light	db	0	; Cursor Control
	dw	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
; Buffer Control--
	dw	buf4,buf3,buf0,bufe  ; -> Input Buffers
put4	dw	buf4,buf4	     ; put4, get4
put3	dw	buf3,buf3	     ; put3, get3
put0	dw	buf0,buf0	     ; put0, get0
; ******************* Task Scheduler **********************
suspend push	psw !push b !push h	; Block Task voluntarily
su0	dw	073edh,0 ; LD (0),SP
go	lxi	sp,stack !di !pop b !pop h ; B=ROC, C=Ready Count, HL -> Run
	inx	h !inx h !dcr b !jnz $+7 !mov b,c !lxi h,rdy0 ; wrap around
	push	h !push b !ei !shld su0+2 !shld go0+2
go0	dw	07bedh,0 ; LD SP,(0)	; next Task SP
	pop	h !pop b !pop psw
rtn	ret	; Schedule next Task
wait	push	psw !push b !push h	; Block Task until Event (DE)
	xchg	!di !mov a,m !mvi m,0ffh !cpi 80h !jz su0 !dcx h
block	shld	$+5 !dw 073edh,0 ; LD ((HL)),SP ; Remove Task from Ready Q
	lxi	sp,stack !di !pop b !pop d ; B=ROC, C=Ready Count, DE -> Runner
	dcr	c !lxi h,-2 !dad d !push h !push b !cz halt !dcr b !jz go
	lxi	h,2 !dad d		; Shunt Ready Q left 1 entry
	mov	c,b !mvi b,0 !dw 021cbh,ldir ; SLA C ; LDIR
	jmp	go
halt	ei	!hlt !di !lda stack !ora a !rnz !jmp halt
spawni	shld	savehl !lxi h,msub !inr m !lxi h,ttermi !jmp sp1
spawn	shld	savehl !lxi h,tterm	; Create Task with entry point (DE)
sp1	push	h !lhld free !shld sp2+6 !inx h !inx h !shld free !pop h
sp2	dw	073edh,savesp,07bedh,0 ; LD (savesp),SP ; LD SP,(0)
	push	h !lhld savehl !push d !push psw !push b !push h
	dw	073edh,savehl,07bedh,savesp ; LD (savehl),SP ; LD SP,(savesp)
	push	h !push psw !lxi h,savehl+1
	di	!call ready !ei !pop psw !pop h !ret
ttermi	lxi	h,msub !dcr m
tterm	lhld	free !dcx h !dcx h !shld free !jmp block ; Terminate Task
free	dw	rdy0+2			; -> next free stack area
savesp	ds	2
savehl	ds	2
in3	call	test3 !rz !call suspend !jmp in3 ; Com3 -> A
listen3 call	suspend !jmp test3	; Z: Com3 -> A
in4	call	test4 !rz !call suspend !jmp in4 ; Com4 -> A
listen4 call	suspend !jmp test4	; Z: Com4 -> A
om0	call	suspend
out0	mov	e,a !in 13h !ani 4 !mov a,e !jz om0 ; wait for Tx empty
	out	11h !ret
oh0	call	suspend
out3	mov	e,a !in 0c5h !ani 4 !mov a,e !jz oh0 ; wait for Tx empty
	out	0c4h !push h !lxi h,kbsw !dw 05ecbh ; BIT 3,(HL) ; [SF1]
	cnz	tlo !pop h !ret
tlo	lxi	h,attr !dw 056cbh,096cbh ; BIT 2,(HL) ; RES 2,(HL)
	push	psw !ori s !call vdu !pop psw !rz !dw 0d6cbh ; SET 2,(HL)
od0	call	suspend
out4	mov	e,a !in 0c7h !ani 4 !mov a,e !jz od0 ; wait for Tx empty
	out	0c6h !ret
ol0	call	suspend
outl	mov	e,a !in 15h !ani 20h !mov a,e !jnz ol0 ; not ready
	out	14h !xra a !out 17h !inr a !out 17h ; strobe
	mov	a,e !ret
test0	push	h !lhld put0+2 !xchg !lhld put0 !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	tm1 !inr h !pop h !ret		; Z=0 (no data)
tm1	ldax	d !inx d !lxi h,bufe !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	$+6 !lxi d,buf0 !xchg !shld put0+2
	pop	h !cmp a !ret			; Z=1 (data)
test3	push	h !lhld put3+2 !xchg !lhld put3 !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	th1 !inr h !pop h !ret		; Z=0 (no data)
th1	ldax	d !inx d !lxi h,buf0 !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	$+6 !lxi d,buf3 !xchg !shld put3+2
	lxi	h,kbsw !dw 05ecbh ; BIT 3,(HL)
	cnz	thi !pop h !cmp a !ret		; Z=1 (data)
thi	lxi	h,attr !dw 056cbh,0d6cbh ; BIT 2,(HL) ; SET 2,(HL)
	push	psw !ori s !call vdu !pop psw !rnz !dw 096cbh ; RES 2,(HL)
test4	push	h !lhld put4+2 !xchg !lhld put4 !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	td1 !inr h !pop h !ret		; Z=0 (no data)
td1	ldax	d !inx d !lxi h,buf3 !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
	jnz	$+6 !lxi d,buf4 !xchg !shld put4+2
	pop	h !cmp a !ret			; Z=1 (data)
close3	mvi	c,0c5h				; Com3
close	mvi	a,18h !dw 079edh ; OUT (C),A	; Channel Reset
open0	push	h !xchg !di			; RS232 Com0
	mvi	c,06h !mvi a,0b6h !di !out 07h	; Counter 2 Square Wave
	lxi	h,rate !call start+3 !mvi a,18h !out 13h ; Channel Reset
	mvi	a,2 !out 13h !xra a !out 13h	; WR2B
	in	0cch !ani 40h !push psw 	; Isolate Com4 notDSR
	mvi	c,013h !call setup0 !sta mask0
	in	0cch !ani 40h !mov c,a
	pop	psw !xra c !pop h !rz		; no change in Com4 DSR
open4	xchg	!di				; RS232 Com4
	mvi	c,0c9h !mvi a,076h !out 0cbh !call start ; Counter 1
	mvi	c,0c7h !call setup !sta mask4 !ret ; Z=0
open3	xchg	!di				; RS232 Com3
	mvi	c,0cah !mvi a,0b6h !out 0cbh !call start ; Counter 2 (Tx)
	mvi	c,0c8h !mvi a,036h !out 0cbh !call start ; Counter 0 (Rx)
	mvi	c,0c5h !call setup !sta mask3 !ret
setup	mvi	a,18h !dw 079edh ; OUT (C),A	; Channel Reset
	mvi	a,2 !out 0c5h !xra a !out 0c5h	; WR2A
	mvi	a,2 !out 0c7h !xra a !out 0c7h	; WR2B
setup0	ldax	d !inx d !ani 3 !mov b,a	; Bits per Char
	jz	$+5 !cpi 3 !jz $+5 !xri 3 !rrc !rrc !mov l,a ; bits/c mask
	mvi	a,0fh !rlc !dcr b !jp $-2 !ori 0fh !push psw ; save data mask
	ldax	d !inx d !ani 3 !mov b,a	; Parity
	ldax	d !inx d !ani 3 !rlc !rlc	; Stop Bits
	ora	b !ori 40h !sta cmnd+1		; Clock x16
	ldax	d !ani 20h !ori 1 !ora l !mov h,a !sta cmnd+7 ; WR3
	ldax	d !ani 3 !dw 0dcbh,047cbh ; RRC L ; BIT 0,A
	jz	$+5 !ori 80h !ani 82h !ori 8 !ora l !mov l,a !sta cmnd+5 ; WR5
	xchg	!lxi h,cmnd !mvi b,8 !dw 0b3edh ; OTIR ; WR4, WR1, WR5, WR3
	ei	!pop psw !ret ; A=data mask, D=WR3, E=WR5
cmnd	db	4,000h,1,010h,5,000h,3,000h
start	lxi	h,rate+2			; Start Counter
	ldax	d !inx d !rlc !rlc !push b !mvi b,0 !mov c,a !dad b !pop b
	mvi	b,2 !dw 0b3edh ; OTIR
trace	push	psw !push h !lxi h,kbsw !dw 05ecbh ; BIT 3,(HL)
	pop	h !cnz vdu !pop psw !ret
pr0	call	suspend
print	lda	pfree !inr a !jnz pr0 !sta pfree
	lxi	d,pdriver !dw 073edh,ps+2 ; LD (ps+2),SP ; Start Driver
	lxi	sp,ps !push d !push h !push b ; pass HL, BC to Driver DE
	dw	073edh,ps,07bedh,ps+2 ; LD (ps),SP ; LD SP,(ps+2)
	mvi	a,0dh !out 17h		; printer interrupt ON
	lxi	d,ev0+4 !call wait !lxi h,pfree !mvi m,0ffh !lhld now !ret
pfree	db	0ffh
; Printer Channel Program (keep off BC)--
pdriver dw	07ecbh ; BIT 7,(HL)	; test for embedded control byte
	jz	$+7 !mov d,m !inx h !dw 0bacbh ; RES 7,D ; pickup control byte
	dcr	d !jpe itext !cnz feed !call text
	mvi	a,lf !call strobe !mvi a,cr !call strobe
pdone	shld	now !lxi h,ev0+4 !di !call ready !jmp waitp ; done
feed	mvi	a,ff !jm strobe
fe1	mvi	a,lf !call strobe !dcr d !rz !jmp fe1
itext	mov	a,m !inx h !ora a !jz pdone !call strobe !jmp itext
te0	call	strobe
text	mov	a,m !inx h !ora a !rz
	cpi	cr !jz $+5 !cpi lf !jnz $+5 !mvi a,' ' !cpi time !jnz te0
	lxi	d,now !call clock !push h !lxi h,now !mvi e,22
te1	mov	a,m !inx h !call strobe !dcr e !jnz te1 !pop h !jmp text
strobe	out	14h !xra a !out 17h !inr a !out 17h ; data & strobe
	mvi	a,0dh !di !out 17h !jmp waitp ; printer interrupt ON
; Read Overlay (HL) into (DE)--
fetch	mvi	a,0c9h !stax d !push d		; Preset RET instr.
	lxi	d,fcb !lxi b,12 !dw ldir	; Title -> FCB
	lxi	h,fcb+32 !xra a !mov m,a	; Current Record=0
	lxi	d,fcb !mvi c,15 !call bdos	; Open File for Input
	pop	d !cpi 255 !rz			; Overlay not found
; Load code from file--
f2	lxi	h,128 !dad d !push h		; Update DMA pointer
	mvi	c,26 !call bdos 		; Set DMA Address
	lxi	d,fcb !mvi c,20 !call bdos	; Read Sector
	pop	d !cpi 0 !jz f2 !ret
; Open .$$$ file with fcb (DE) and name (HL)--
openf	push	d !lxi b,9 !dw ldir
	push	h !lxi h,sss !lxi b,3 !dw ldir
	mov	h,d !mov l,e !mvi m,0 !inx d !lxi b,20 !dw ldir ; zeroise fcb
	pop	h !lxi b,3 !dw ldir		; save type suffix
	pop	d !push d !mvi c,19 !call bdos	; delete any previous work file
	pop	d !mvi c,22 !call bdos		; enter in directory
	inr	a !ret				; Z=directory full
; Close work file with fcb (DE)--
closef	push	d !mvi c,16 !call bdos		; close file
	pop	d !push d !lxi h,9 !dad d !xchg !lxi h,bak !lxi b,3 !dw ldir
	pop	d !push d !mvi c,19 !call bdos	; delete old .BAK
	pop	d !push d !lxi h,16 !dad d !xchg !lxi b,16 !dw ldir
	pop	h !push h !lxi b,9 !dad b !xchg !inx h !lxi b,3 !dw ldir
	pop	d !push d !mvi c,23 !call bdos	; rename old .xxx as .BAK
	pop	d !push d !lxi h,16 !dad d !xchg !lxi b,16 !dw ldir
	pop	d !push d !lxi h,9 !dad d !xchg !lxi h,sss !lxi b,3 !dw ldir
	pop	d !mvi c,23 !jmp bdos		; rename .$$$ as .xxx
sss	db	'$$$'
bak	db	'BAK'
; Map A buffers each of BC bytes at (HL)-2 using 6+A*(BC+2) bytes--
bmap	mov	d,h !mov e,l !dcx h !mov m,d !dcx h !mov m,e !xchg
	mvi	m,0 !inx h !mov m,a !inx h !xchg
	mvi	h,0 !mov l,a !dad h !inx h !inx h !dad d
bm1	xchg	!mov m,e !inx h !mov m,d !inx h !xchg !dad b
	dcr	a !jnz bm1 !stax d !inx d !stax d
	inx	h !inx h !ret
; Set Slow Timer to interrupt after DE units--
timer	xra	a !sta tick
	mov	a,e !out 1 !mov a,d !out 1 !ret
; Suspend task for DE seconds--
sleep	push	psw !push h !ora a !lxi h,0 !dw 052edh	; SBC HL,DE
	shld	count !pop h
sl10	call	suspend !lda count+1 !ora a !jm sl10
	pop	psw !ret
puc	mov	a,m !ora a !jnz $+6 !mvi a,' ' !ret !inx h
uc	cpi	'a' !rc !cpi 'z'+1 !rnc !sui 20h !ret ; upper case
con	lxi	h,light !dcr m !lxi h,csw !jmp io ; cursor on
coff	lxi	h,light !inr m !lxi h,csw !jmp io ; cursor off
led	push	psw !in 12h !ani 4 !jz led+1 !pop psw !out 10h !ret
ddt	lhld	0006h !lxi d,0d000h !ora a !dw 052edh ; SBC HL,DE
hl	pchl
stop	push	h !call wrapup !mvi a,0c9h !sta 0109h ; disable Suspend rtn
	pop	h !call io !jmp boot
cboot	lda	mstate !ani 1 !cnz tmode !ora m !mov m,a
	lxi	d,80h !lxi b,16 !dw ldir
	call	wrapup !lxi d,8100h !lxi h,gofile !call fetch
	lxi	d,8000h !lxi h,code !lxi b,32 !dw ldir
	jmp	8000h
tmode	push	h !lhld mname !lxi d,90h !lxi b,4 !dw ldir ; save pgm name
	lxi	h,mstate !dw 0e6cbh ; SET 4,(HL)
tr1	call	suspend !dw 046cbh ; BIT 0,(HL) ; wait for Terminal Mode
	jnz	tr1 !call suspend !mvi a,80h !pop h !ret
code	lxi	d,0100h !lxi h,8100h !lxi b,0f00h !dw ldir
	jmp	0100h
wrapup	mvi	c,013h !call close !mvi c,0c7h !call close !call close3 ; 0,4,3
	mvi	e,0ah !call wclock	; disable clock interrupts
	lhld	masko !mov a,h !out 09h !mov a,l !out 0dh ; restore Epson mask
	in	34h !ani 1fh !jnz $-4	; FDC busy
	lxi	h,0fc02h !shld 0fd9ah	; Restore Epson FDC interrupt rtn
	lxi	h,0fbfdh !shld 0fd92h	; Restore Epson SIO interrupt rtn
	lxi	h,epson !lxi d,0fda0h !lxi b,32 !dw ldir ; restore int vector
wclock	mvi	a,10 !out 3dh !in 3ch !ora a !jm wclock ; update in progress
	mvi	a,11 !out 3dh !mov a,e !out 3ch !ret	; write RAM byte 0bh
epson	ei	!jmp 0fc30h		; Printer
	push	h !jmp 0fc16h		; Option Slot 1
	nop	!jmp 0fc32h		; Clock
	push	h !jmp 0fc1bh		; Option Slot 2
	push	h !jmp 0fc20h		; Option Slot 3
	ei	!jmp 0fc31h		; Software Timer (slow)
	push	h !jmp 0fc25h		; Option Slot 4
	push	h !jmp 0fc2ah		; Option Slot 5
; RS232 Clock:	MAIN  OPTION
rate	dw	09c0h,0780h   ;  0    50 Baud
	dw	0680h,0500h   ;  1    75 Baud
	dw	046fh,0369h   ;  2   110 Baud
	dw	039ch,02c7h   ;  3   135 Baud
	dw	0340h,0280h   ;  4   150 Baud
	dw	0270h,01e0h   ;  5   200 Baud
	dw	01a0h,0140h   ;  6   300 Baud
	dw	0138h,00f0h   ;  7   400 Baud
	dw	00d0h,00a0h   ;  8   600 Baud
	dw	008bh,006bh   ;  9   900 Baud
	dw	0068h,0050h   ; 10  1200 Baud
	dw	0045h,0035h   ; 11  1800 Baud
	dw	0034h,0028h   ; 12  2400 Baud
	dw	001ah,0014h   ; 13  4800 Baud
	dw	000dh,000ah   ; 14  9600 Baud
	dw	0006h,0005h   ; 15 19200 Baud
; *********************** Mainframe Task ***********************
taskm	dw	073edh,msp ; LD (msp),SP
	mov	e,m !inx h !mov d,m !inx h !shld list ; -> Mainframe rtns
	lxi	h,rtn !mov a,d !ora e !jz $+4 !xchg !push h ; -> Emulator
	lxi	h,mparms !lda swreg !dw 057cbh ; BIT 2,A ; SW3 (4800 baud)
	jz	$+5 !mvi m,0dh !inx h !dw 047cbh ; BIT 0,A ; SW1 (8 N)
	jz	$+5 !mvi m,3 !inx h !ani 3 !xri 3 !mov m,a !dcx h !dcx h
	call	open0 !pop d !jz m01		; Emulator not connected
	call	spawn !lxi h,config !dw 0d6cbh ; SET 2,(HL)
m01	lhld	term+1 !mov a,m !cpi 0c9h !jz m06 ; immediate ret instruction
	lxi	h,config !dw 0decbh ; SET 3,(HL); Mainframe Kybd running
	lxi	d,term !call spawn		; Mainframe Terminal kybd
m06	call	off !call prog !shld fn 	; wait for electronic pgm
	call	on !lxi h,mstate !dw 0c6cbh	; SET 0,(HL); block KYBD
m08	call	suspend !lda mstate !ani 10h !jnz i10
	lxi	h,msub !mov a,m !ora a !jnz m08 ; previous job incomplete
	inr	m !lhld fn !call hl		; Go
	lxi	h,msub !dcr m			; terminated
	lda	mstate !ani 01h !jnz m08 !jmp m06
off	lda	config !ani 8 !cnz con !mvi a,44h !jmp led ; off-line
on	lda	config !ani 8 !cnz coff !mvi a,45h !jmp led ; on-line
idler	lda	mstate !ani 10h !jz suspend !lxi h,msub !dcr m
; Revert to Terminal Mode--
i10	lda	mstate !ani 0eeh !sta mstate	; B0, B4 off
	mvi	a,esc !call echo !dw 07bedh,msp ; LD SP,(msp)
	jmp	m06
prog	lhld	mname !call input
	lhld	mname !lxi d,pgm+1 !lxi b,4 !dw ldir
; Scan name table--
	lhld	list
t40	mov	a,m !ora a !jz link		; not in list
	xchg	!push d !call match !pop d !rz
	lxi	h,6 !dad d !jmp t40		; try next entry
; Fetch and link to overlay--
link	lxi	h,pgm !lxi d,tasky !call fetch !lxi h,tasky !ret
; Test name against table entry--
match	lxi	h,pgm+1 !mvi b,4
m90	ldax	d !cmp m !inx d !inx h !rnz !dw djnz+(m90-$-2)*256
	ldax	d !mov l,a !inx d !ldax d !mov h,a !ret
; ********************* Keyboard Task ***********************
taskk	call	chr !sta key !lhld kew !di !call ready !ei ; unblock user task
	lxi	h,key !mvi a,s !mvi b,16 ; B=timer limit
tk1	call	suspend !cmp m !jz taskk !dw djnz+(tk1-$-2)*256
	mov	m,a !mvi a,bel !call vdu !jmp taskk ; discard (timed out)
char	push	h !lhld kew !push h !inx h !inx h !shld kew
ch1	lhld	kew !xchg !call wait !lxi h,key !mov a,m !cpi s !jz ch1
	mvi	m,s !pop h !shld kew !pop h !ret
kev0	dw	0ffffh,0ffffh,0ffffh,0ffffh,0ffffh ; Keyboard Event list
debug	lxi	h,0109h !mvi m,0c9h	; disable Suspend Rtn
	call	con !lxi h,01c0h !call 38h !call coff ; ddt
	lxi	h,0109h !mvi m,0c3h	; enable Suspend Rtn
chr	call	ink !cpi dc3 !jz opt	; [OPTION] key
	cpi	etx !rnz		; [BREAK] key
	call	ddt !jz debug !lda tstate !ori 80h !sta tstate !jmp chr
opt	lxi	h,light !mov a,m !push psw !mvi m,0 !lxi h,msg2 !call io
	call	ink !call uc !sta cword !sta msg3+4
	pop	psw !sta light !lxi h,msg3 !call io !lda cword
	cpi	'X' !lxi h,msg0 !jz stop
	cpi	'Q' !cz queue !jmp chr
ink	call	testk !rz !lxi d,ev0+6 !call wait !jmp ink
queue	xra	a !sta cword !lxi h,mstate !dw 046cbh ; BIT 0,(HL)
	mvi	a,esc !jz echo		; Terminal Mode
	dw	0e6cbh ; SET 4,(HL)	; request Terminal Mode
	call	suspend !dw 0a6cbh,046cbh ; RES 4,(HL) ; BIT 0,(HL)
	rz	!mvi a,bel !jmp vdu
; ************** Initial Task Control Program ***************
tcpi	push	h !lxi h,form0 !call io !pop h !call io
	call	taski !lxi h,null !call taskm !jmp stop
printx	xra	a !lxi b,0 !dw 0b1edh ; CPIR	; null print routine
; ************************ Initiator ************************
init	in	18h !sta swreg !call ddt	; Z=debug running
	lxi	h,80h !jnz $+8 !xra a !mov m,a !inx h !mov m,a !dcx h
	call	iname
	lxi	h,ev0-1 !mvi m,0ffh !lxi d,ev0 !lxi b,191 !dw ldir ; events
	lxi	d,stack !lxi h,work !lxi b,30 !dw ldir	; initialize Qs
	in	09h !mov h,a !in 0dh !mov l,a !shld masko ; initial mask
	lxi	h,ivec !lxi d,0fda0h !lxi b,32 !dw ldir ; interrupt vector
	mvi	a,'X' !lxi d,taskx !call load	; OS Utilities
	mvi	a,'U' !lxi d,tasku !call load	; System Utilities
	mvi	a,'O' !lxi d,tasko !call load	; Options
	call	taskx !call tasku !call tasko	; Patch BIOS, OS, Options
	lxi	h,0 !shld count !shld count+2
	mvi	e,03ah !call wclock		; enable clock interrupts
	mvi	a,070h !out 3 !sta tick 	; Initialize Slow Timer
	mvi	a,00ch !out 17h 		; disable printer interrupts
	lhld	mask !mov a,h !out 09h !mov a,l !out 0dh ; setup int mask
	out	0cch !mvi a,8 !dcr a !jnz $-1	; Find Aux RS232 card
	lhld	vect !cmp h !jz i4		; not found
	dcx	h !dcx h !dcx h !mov a,l !sui 09ch !rrc !rrc
	mov	b,a !mvi a,80h !rlc !dcr b !jnz $-2 ; set Slave Mask bit in A
	xchg	!lxi h,aux !lxi b,4 !dw ldir	; install interrupt vector
	lxi	h,config !dw 0cecbh ; SET 1,(HL); Com3 & Com4 available
i4	mov	b,a !lda mask !ori 0dah !xra b !out 0dh ; mask other slots
	lxi	h,ifile !lxi d,taski !call fetch
	lxi	d,taskk !call spawn		; Keyboard Task
	lxi	d,tcpi !lxi h,csw		; Initial Task
	in	15h !ani 68h !cpi 48h !jz spawn ; printer ready
	lxi	h,msg7 !cpi 68h !jnz spawn	; printer not ready
	mvi	a,0c9h !sta pout !lxi h,printx !shld 0188h
	lxi	h,config !dw 086cbh ; RES 0,(HL); no parallel printer
	lxi	h,msg6 !jmp spawn
aux	push	h !jmp 0e003h
trap	push	psw !in 0cch !pop psw !xthl !shld vect !xthl !ei !ret
vect	dw	0
load	lxi	h,file+1 !mov m,a !dcx h !call fetch !rnz
	lxi	d,msg1 !mvi c,9 !call bdos !jmp boot
iname	mov	a,m !ani 7fh !rz !lxi d,ifile+1 !mvi b,8
i1	inx	h !mov a,m !cpi ' ' !jz i1	; skip spaces
i2	call	puc !stax d !inx d !dw djnz+(i2-$-2)*256
mparms	db	0eh,2,3,1,0dfh	; 9600 7 E 1
form0	db	1,1,0e2h,'Joe',27h,'s OS V72 ',7fh,s,3,1,nul
null	db	nul
csw	db	0,0,nul 	; Cursor Switch string
msg0	db	0,1,0c0h,time,'  OS Shutdown',nul
msg1	db	cr,lf,'Cannot find X.OVL, U.OVL &/or O.OVL$'
msg2	db	1,28,91h,'  Option:   ',bs,bs,bs,nul
msg3	db	1,36,81h,'= ',nul
msg6	db	1,40,81h,'No Printer',nul
msg7	db	1,40,84h,'Printer unready',nul
file	db	0,'        OVL'
ifile	db	0,'I       OVL'
gofile	db	0,'GO      COM'
pgm	db	0,'xxxx    OVL' ; Main Electronic Overlay name
mask	dw	02e00h
masko	ds	2	; original interrupt mask
list	ds	2	; -> taskm resident pgm name/address table
fn	ds	2	; -> taskm current Electronic pgm
msp	ds	2	; taskm save SP
now	ds	22	; Printer Driver w/s
; Stack Control (12 Task stacks each of 30 levels)--
work	dw	0100h,rdy0-2		; Task Ready Count, ROC, -> Runner
	dw	0,work+60*1,work+60*2,work+60*3,work+60*4
	dw	work+60*5,work+60*6,work+60*7,work+60*8
	dw	work+60*9,work+60*10,work+60*11,work+60*12
ivec	push	h !jmp 0		; Printer
	call	trap !ret		; Option Slot 1
	push	psw !jmp 0fc32h 	; Clock
	call	trap !ret		; Option Slot 2
	call	trap !ret		; Option Slot 3
	push	psw !jmp 0fc32h 	; Software Timer (slow)
	call	trap !ret		; Option Slot 4
	call	trap !ret		; Option Slot 5

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